Relocation and Extended Stays

Airbnb For Work

A smart option for work relocations and extended stays When business needs require an employee to spend an extended period of time away from home, or relocate to another city or country, Airbnb for Work can provide an accommodation solution that gives corporate travel and mobility managers a flexible option for long-term stays and offers employees more choices for location and lodging style. Employees travel for business on extended stays for different reasons and lengths of time. Extended stays can range from long business trips of five days to a week, to training sessions that require several weeks away and on-site projects that can last several months to a year. Relocations also require longer stays than traditional business trips as employees and their families transition to a new location. Airbnb for Work are meeting these preferences for longer term stays.  These include facilities such as a kitchen where the can opt to cook for themselves, a laundry, and the space and stylings that are more akin to the traveller’s home.  Location can play a part too, where longer term travellers might prefer to stay outside of the central business district to immerse themselves in a local community or culture. Or, conversely, if where they need to be for work is outside the CBD, Airbnb can offer up more flexibility and options of where to stay more centrally. And then of course there is cost.  Through Airbnb for Work many hosts offer discounts for extended stays – something that’s not that common with traditional hotel accommodation.  For example, some Airbnb hosts offer weekly discounts that apply for stays of seven to 27 nights and then monthly discounts that apply for an extended stay of 28 nights or longer. Airbnb’s inventory of more than six million listings in 191 countries worldwide gives business travellers the ability to choose a home that is ideally suited to their location and lifestyle requirements. Using Airbnb for extended stays benefits both the company and its business travelers, she added. “From the traveler perspective, it’s just being able to have a nice place, a decent house that has a kitchen and a washing machine and everything, all the comforts of home, where they can park in a driveway or a garage. To them it’s definitely better than a hotel,” Steeneck said. For the company, “Cost saving is the bottom line, especially if we are putting three or four people in the house, it definitely saves money over individual hotel rooms. There’s a big benefit when we have long-term projects,” she said. Many Airbnb hosts offer significant discounts for weekly and monthly stays.

Discounts for extended stays Many Airbnb hosts offer discounts for extended stays, calculated on a percentage basis. Weekly discounts apply for stays of seven to 27 nights; monthly discounts apply for an extended stay of 28 nights or longer. Any discounts offered by a host will be displayed in the Prices section on the Overview page of a listing. Discounts offered by hosts are built into the pricing structure and are automatically calculated and displayed in the price breakdown once dates for Check in and Check out have been entered.

It’s just more comfortable and more affordable to stay in an Airbnb than staying in a hotel, and they feel like they are more part of the local office culture and part of the city culture as well.





The information session will cover:

Airbnb Overview

Reinventing Relocation and Mobility Stays

Why Airbnb for Work

Trust & Safety

Live Demo

Issue Resolution


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