Car subscriptions helping Australia create a more sustainable future

Carly Car Subscription
Carly Car Subscription

GUEST POST BY Chris Noone, CEO, Carly Car Subscription 

Car subscriptions helping Australia create a more sustainable future

As Australia moves towards a greener and more sustainable future, transportation and mobility are becoming an increasingly important part of the conversation. Questions around the challenges of climate change, resource depletion and limited flexibility are coming to the forefront of traditional ownership models, particularly where cars are concerned.

This makes way for innovative solutions such as car subscription, which offers a flexible and sustainable alternative to traditional car ownership – and can be a great way to incorporate sustainability into your employee mobility programs by offering ‘try before you buy’ opportunities for electric vehicles. Car subscription can also be helpful for relocators and expatriates coming to Australia, who might want immediate access to a vehicle, but may not be ready to commit to a vehicle long term before they understand more about their new lifestyle in Australia. It can also be helpful for people on work visas, who may otherwise struggle to receive finance to buy a car.

Car subscriptions are catering to the evolving preferences of modern consumers and businesses, but they also hold significant potential for enhancing transport sustainability. Employees or businesses are able to subscribe to a vehicle month-to-month only, for the time that the vehicle is required, and hand the car back when it is no longer needed. This ensures that vehicle assets are highly utilised in a productive manner at all times and no costs are incurred when the vehicle is not being utilised. Ultimately, under this model, fewer cars will need to be manufactured, thus helping to conserve resources. Insurance, registration, maintenance and roadside assistance are included in a simple monthly payment which streamlines vehicle management.

Traditional car ownership often results in older, less efficient vehicles remaining on the road longer due to the high cost of replacing them. In contrast, subscription services frequently update their fleets with the latest models, which are generally more fuel-efficient and have lower emissions. Additionally, subscription services like Carly are now integrating electric vehicles (EVs) into their offerings.

Electric vehicles are now, more than ever, set to play an incredibly important role in pushing Australia towards a more sustainable future. However both individuals and businesses often find themselves plagued with EV anxieties and questions about how it will work, and if it is the right time to go electric. Switching from an internal combustion engine vehicle (ICE) to an electric vehicle (EV) involves a lot more than just buying a car with a different energy source, there is a whole new vocabulary to learn and a very different mode of operation.

If Australia wants to succeed in its goal of a greener future, there need to be programs that allow people to experience and adopt these newer technologies without risk or hesitation. At Carly, we are doing our part to pave the way for EV adoption with our new EV Trial offering which enables individuals and businesses to try Evs for a month or more before making the decision to purchase. The Carly EV Trial offers individuals and businesses a richer experience and provides more answers than the current options – EV test drives are too short, and rentals are too expensive and often do not allow the choice of a specific model of interest. The Carly EV trial helps to answer all the questions buyers have about using an EV for daily driving, commuting & long-distance travel, how charging works and the potential cost savings. Car buyers are then empowered to make an informed decision about buying or leasing an EV in the future. An EV Trial starts at 30 days, and can be extended to a month-to-month subscription. Many Carly EV Trial customers extend into a month-to-month subscription as they enjoy both the benefits of having an EV and the flexibility of subscribing to a car.

If you are looking to add more flexible, sustainable options into your mobility programs, or create a sustainable transportation policy we’d love to introduce you to Carly Car Subscription. You can learn more at our websites and

Secure an exclusive discount with Carly 

Carly is currently offering the TEMi network a discount to share with employees and clients. TEMi Members can offer a $225 discount (unlimited use of the discount code provided) and Non-members can offer a $125 discount (unlimited use of the discount code provided). .

The discount will be applied to the first month of the subscription. Your employees and network can redeem their discount online at by entering the codes below at checkout.

Members, access your $225 discount code via the TEMI Member Portal.

Non-members, your network can use the code TEMI125 for a $125 discount.


Chris No-one

Chris Noone is the CEO of Carly Car Subscription, one of the leading companies driving the transition to sustainable mobility through car subscription and  ‘try before you buy’ opportunities for electric vehicles.Under Chris’ leadership, Carly has recently launched Australia’s first  EV Trial program, aimed at breaking down barriers to EV adoption by allowing prospective electric vehicle purchasers to trial electric vehicles for a month or more so that they can make an informed decision to buy an EV in the future. . Chris has forged commercial partnerships with leading automotive companies including SG Fleet, Hyundai, Uber and Turners Automotive,Chris has previously held senior roles in Europe and Australia, spearheading digital innovation for the likes of Vodafone, Hasbro and Microsoft, and has nurtured numerous online startups.


Carly is a monthly car subscription service that provides fast and flexible access to new and late models vehicles at short notice. Subscription is the newest way to drive a car when renting, purchasing or financing is not an ideal solution. A car subscription with Carly includes registration, insurance, maintenance and roadside assistance. The minimum subscription period is 30 days and can be cancelled at any time with 30 days notice. Subscribers can also switch to a different car make and model, as their needs and lifestyle changes. Simply book online, pick up the car and drive away.

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