Getting to know the TEMi Team: Emmarie Castañeda

Emmarie Castañeda

Getting to know the TEMi Team

Q&A with Emmarie Castañeda, Member Experience Manager for TEMi

Emmarie (or as she welcomes you to call her, Marie), is responsible for developing and implementing TEMi’s member benefits program.

Marie is a multi-award-winning senior global talent mobility professional with more than 10 years of solid experience in HR and people management, working for major multinational brands. She knows what you’re looking for when it comes to professional development and industry events that will help you upskill and advance your career, and is eager to help you achieve your professional goals. Find out more about Emmarie and reach out to connect – she is here to help if you have questions!

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself?
Marie: Hello! I’m Marie Castañeda, relishing life while celebrating precious moments with my grown-up children and our loyal labrador. Although I’m primarily based in the Philippines, my heart thrives on global connections. My passion for mobility has led me on an exhilarating journey.

More than a decade ago, I embarked on my career in HR Operations. Little did I know that this path would eventually converge with global mobility—a fascinating realm encompassing operations, payroll, rewards, employee experiences, and the orchestration of internal and external teams. Our singular mission: to provide exceptional experiences for our international assignees and their families.

Q: What is the most rewarding/exciting aspect about working in the Talent Mobility Industry today?
Marie: I’ve witnessed significant transformations in how businesses strive to strike a delicate balance between their talent objectives and costs. Policies, processes, and partnerships are in a constant state of flux, all in pursuit of these objectives. Recognizing that fostering appreciation among employees and their families isn’t a straightforward task, we, in the mobility industry, navigate this dynamic landscape with remarkable agility. The exhilarating part? It’s an ongoing journey of learning—from both successes and challenges—within our vibrant community.

Q:  What motivated you to join TEMi?
Marie: I sensed this was the moment! TEMi gives me the opportunity to put into practice what I’ve learned throughout my corporate career. I know what talent mobility professionals need to succeed in their roles and it is fantastic to be able to execute professional development recommendations and create member experiences that truly support and add value. My mission? To extend a warm welcome to anyone, emphasising mobility, collaboration, and inclusion across geographically-dispersed teams.

Deb and the team exemplify the ideal synergy. Despite virtual connections, we remain steadfast in achieving our primary objective: unifying, supporting, and developing the individuals dedicated to this crucial global mobility work.

Q: Why is having a community focused industry group like TEMi important?
Marie: Mobility teams, often small in size compared to our colleagues across the company, play multifaceted roles. Unfortunately, our contributions are sometimes overlooked or misunderstood. Are we HR, rewards, payroll, tax, immigration, finance, or operations? The truth is, we encompass aspects of all these functions.

Enter the TEMi community, a lifeline for us. Amidst the corporate maze, TEMi understands our unique challenges and empowers us to excel in our roles. Within this vibrant community, I share my experiences—both triumphs and setbacks—with various teams. Simultaneously, I learn from fellow members, gaining insights into their strategies for managing assignments effectively.

What sets us apart? Agility. We don’t merely follow written policies and processes; we adapt based on the collective wisdom of our communities. It’s this dynamic spirit that keeps us moving forward.

Q: What excites you most about where the profession is headed and the impact it’s making?
Marie: The role of mobility teams has evolved significantly beyond their traditional focus on processes. In recent years, businesses have undergone transformations, prompting us to provide recommendations on accelerating talent team initiatives while adhering to best practices. Gone are the days when expatriates were primarily associated with comprehensive benefits during international assignments. Nowadays, employees proactively align their personal goals with business objectives, taking ownership of their mobility decisions.

As the Member Experience Manager at TEMi, my role involves fostering connections within our community, enabling mutual learning, and strengthening leadership relationships. Personally, I find this aspect of my job incredibly exciting and fulfilling.

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