Millennials and tech

Grace caters to Gen X and Gen Y’s tech obsession

Did you know that millennials (or Gen Y ages 24-39 years, and Gen Z, under 24 years) make up almost half the world’s population and over a third of the workforce?  With that in mind, it’s no surprise that companies are hiring more millennials and Gen Z as Baby Boomers are retiring, and Gen Xs are stepping into senior positions. This means that Gen Xs are predominantly the focus of retention efforts, followed closely by millennials. Gen Xs will stay with a company a little longer than average, while millennials are likely to change roles more frequently.

Career progression, employment satisfaction and increased compensation are the top three reasons cited for the movement. So, with these ‘younger’ generations making up a large portion of the talent market, companies are finding they need to change their approach to hiring and their mobility processes. Current global mobility resources and technology are relatively limited, a poor reflection of our plugged in and switched-on society. When there’s an app for everything, professionals want access to instant data in their work lives as well. More than that, they want interactive information that is easy to consume, not just countless emails. As corporate relocations and mobility evolve, there is so much more to mobility than removal of boxes to include home and school searching, cultural and language training, and travel and accommodation coordination, and the technology used to support these functions needs to adapt.

Currently, more than 60% of employers admit to relying on Word or Excel for their mobility management program – creating significant inefficiencies in processes and an over reliance on manual data entry. In 2021 professionals expect a mobility solution that can deliver information that includes audio/visual options. They want to see pictures of their potential new homes without swapping between three apps and five websites. They don’t want six logins that require two-point verification each. They want security, accessibility and ease of use, and they want service providers who understand that technology is an ever developing, ever improving beast that goes out of date in a blink of an eye, which is something many mobility professionals struggle with. Staying up to date with innovations or even ahead of the curve can be difficult, which is why Grace dedicates resources to not only sourcing the best technical solution, but ensuring it makes the lives of our clients, their HR teams and the relocating employees easier.

As a prior finalist for TEMI’s own Global Workforce Management Award for Leading Employee Mobility Innovation, we’ve shown that the Mai Grace mobility management portal and associated app allows users at all levels to access, view and update information. With strict access controls and data security, all data entered and stored within our portal is safe, secure and compliant according to relevant legislative requirements. The utilisation of a comprehensive mobility management portal ensures users at all levels, from HR practitioners through to individual assignees, have access to the information they need as they need it. Eliminating the need to jump between websites, applications and emails not only streamlines the process from a policy compliance point of view, but also boosts employee engagement regardless of their generation.

To further discuss or to engage a live demonstration of the Mai Grace Mobility Management platform, call Jane Riley, Grace Mobility GM, on +61 427 515 909 or email

About Grace Mobility

The Grace service promise of Always More is realised at every step of each relocating employee’s journey, from the initial consultation through to arrival support, providing practical advice and a clear understanding of what to expect in a new country or city.

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