Doors open to TEMI’s new global talent mobility Virtual Social Lounge

Virtual Social Lounge

Book your seat today.

Miss the informal talks in the office hallway or kitchen?
Now over a cup of coffee, you can visit the TEMI Virtual Social Lounge for 5 minutes or 60 minutes each month to talk about the months activities.

Prefer to talk with a small group of people about a specific topic?
Now you can join a small, intimate group of peers in one of the Lounge’s break-out rooms, to discuss current practices or solve some of your current problems, monthly.

Maybe you’d like to strike up a conversation with someone new?
In the TEMI Virtual Social lounge you can now meet new people using our speed networking tool. Facilitated by TEMI hosts, speed networking will make up a portion of our monthly 60-minute networking events, from March 2021.

Reserve a seating the TEMI Virtual Social Lounge today.
Published by: The Employee Mobility Institute, January 2021

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