Resilient Leadership April 2023 (Wendy Jenkins OAM)

Resilient leadership April 2023
Resilient leadership April 2023


Ready Resilience helps organisations thrive during times of change and challenge, using practical neuroscience-based resilience tools that have been proven to offer in-the-moment solutions and long-lasting results.

April 2023 Resilient Leadership Tips

Your brain has an incredible ability to envision goals and plan a path towards achieving them. Neuroscience research has revealed that when we set a goal, our brain creates a mental image of what success would look like. This mental image acts as a guiding light, directing our actions and decisions towards achieving the desired outcome.

This process involves a network of brain regions, including the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for planning and decision-making, and the hippocampus, which plays a key role in memory and spatial navigation. These regions work together to create a mental simulation of the desired outcome and the steps needed to achieve it.

As a leader, you can use this understanding of how the brain envisions goals to set a vision for your team. By creating a clear mental image of the desired outcome and communicating it to your team, you can tap into the brain’s natural goal-setting process and increase the likelihood of success.

To inspire your team to achieve a goal, it’s therefore essential to create a clear mental image of what success would look like.

Use vivid language to describe the desired outcome and paint a picture of what it would feel like to achieve it. The more detailed and realistic the mental image, the more effective it will be in motivating your team.

Our brains are also wired to respond to achievable goals. When faced with a large and complex goal, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and lose motivation. By breaking the goal down into smaller, more manageable steps, you can help your team stay focused and motivated.

Providing regular feedback will also help to reinforce the mental image of the desired outcome and keep everyone targeting the end goal.


Wendy Jenkins is the founder of Ready Resilience, Co-Founder of the Lungitude Foundation, Speaker and Lung Transplant Survivor. Ready Resilience helps organisations thrive during times of change and challenge, using practical neuroscience-based resilience tools that have been proven to offer in-the-moment solutions and long-lasting results. Having been told she had two years to live over fifteen years ago, Wendy is driven to help people transform their perspective on challenges in life. To find out more visit

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