Getting to know the TEMi Taskforce: Monique Dawson

Monique Dawson

Getting to know the TEMi Taskforce: Monique Dawson

The TEMI Taskforce is made up of experienced global mobility professionals who volunteer their time to support TEMi initiatives and events, and offer mentorship to junior practitioners. Go behind the scenes and get to to know more about our Taskforce volunteers in this new interview series with Taskforce members – and be sure to reach out to LinkedIn if you want to know more!

Q&A with Monique Dawson

Leading EY’s Melbourne Assignment Services practice, Monique specialises in global mobility program administration and program development and design. In her experience working across APAC and the United States, Monique works with companies of varying sizes to lead the administration of their end to end domestic and international programs and to design custom mobility solutions which align to each unique strategy. Having served on the TEMi Taskforce for many years, helping our members Connect, Advance, Learn and Lead, she is one of our industry’s greatest allies.

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself?
Monique: I’ve been in the industry for 17 years, specialising in Assignment Administration and Mobility Framework Design. I’m originally from Sydney and relocated for a job opportunity in Dallas, Texas, before moving to Melbourne to lead the Assignment Services team for EY – so I’ve been an expat myself. I’m now Director of People Advisory Services for EY. I’m also a proud mum.

Q: What is the most rewarding/exciting aspect about working in the Talent Mobility Industry today?
Monique: The expat talent pool is more diverse than ever. By 2024, there will be 5 generations in the workforce, 75% of which will be millennials. We are also seeing a rise in new ways of working and companies expanding globally across more locations than ever before. The mobility industry needs to adapt to the needs of a huge variety of situations and demographic of expat. This means we are seeing great developments and innovations across the industry as a result, and personally being able to go on that journey with companies is really exciting.

Q: Why is having a community focused industry group like TEMi important?
Monique: TEMi creates a safe space which enables mobility professionals to come together in a trusted environment to work together and share their experiences and insights, as well as co-create solutions to challenges which everyone can access, without limitations such as organisation size, location and project budgets.

Q:  What motivated you to join TEMi’s team of volunteers?
Monique: As well as wanting to share my passion for innovation, having had the opportunity to work with such a wide variety of organisations, across many industries and countries I wanted to be able to share my knowledge and experience with a wider network to ultimately help create programs and experiences which meet overall business strategies.

Q: What type of projects are you working on to support the TEMI community and why?
Monique: I’m currently working on the upcoming TEMI Awards Ceremony, which will be a night where the TEMi community can recognise companies and individuals within the industry who are making a difference – whether that’s to the whole industry, their employees or for their organisation. Watch this space!

About the TEMi Taskforce:
The Taskforce supports TEMi’s community members to Connect, Advance, Learn and Lead within their chosen discipline. Taskforce members agree to abide by a clear set of principles of professional conduct and are committed to working together, sharing expertise, creating new solutions and promoting industry growth for the benefit of the TEMi community.

If you’d like to be a part of the Taskforce or one of the sub-committees, contact Monique on or Deborah on

Connect with Monique

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